
  • Swing Trade Idea – July 17, 2020

    Market View

    Global markets are generally positive with China bouncing, Europe slightly positive and Japan slightly negative so more positive than negative. Nasdaq is leading in the USA even with NFLX having a poor report.  Yield curve is slightly flatter and oil is lower which are negatives but USD is lower which is positive. Today is options expiration which can result in some volatility and higher volume. Premarket strength in large cap healthcare JNJ PFE, and large cap Chinese JD.
    Watch the Nasdaq after the open, the trend has been to sell. 

    Premarket names:


    Stock Idea; GRMN

    GRMN develops communication and navigation devices for auto, aviation and fitness. GRMN is a technical breakout idea. Broke out of value on the daily chart with elevated volume.after consolidation for 4 weeks. Target 105.58 is the Feb high. Earnings Jul 29

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